Monday, June 10, 2013

Who It Is

It has to be done.  I have, just a few days into this project, drawn a blank on what to write, so I will just tell you about myself and the people that drive me crazy.  

This is who it is, "it" being me.  

I'm a 34 1/2-year-old stay at home mom.  I was a middle school language arts teacher in my former life, but I gave that up when I realized that I liked my own kid way more than I liked other people's kids.  That, and my freshly-graduated-from-law-school-and-passed-the-bar-on-his-very-first-try husband got a job that could support us.  

I married a boy I met on a missions trip 14 years ago.  I met him 14 years ago, that is.  I married him 11 years ago.  His name is Peter.  He is so tall and handsome and sweet and wonderful and cuddly that I moved from Rockford, IL all the way to Bremerton, WA just to hitch my wagon to his star.  I'm still very glad that I did.  

I started growing humans in my guts about a year after the marrying stuff was done.  I had a baby girl that we call Wendy.  She's 9, smart as a whip, sassy as a cat, and prettier than a sunset over a lake.  She's a complete mystery to me, too.  She has this thing called "over sensitivity" that I tend to treat with a firm "girl, you better man up" without noticeably effective results.  I'm sure we'll laugh about it one day when she's committed me to a sub-par nursing home as payback for all my mothering missteps.  

We liked Wendy so much, we decided to have another baby, just for fun.  We call her Nina.  She's 6, and she'll either take over the world or end up running a commune of some sort.  Stay tuned.  She skips through life without much care, and she's zany as a drunken clown.  Her big brown eyes will melt your heart, and her ability to never hear the answer you give to her many, many questions will frustrate you to the point of thinking an anvil to the foot would be less painful than explaining yourself one.more.time.  

Then Peter got an even better job.  We figured the natural way to celebrate was with one more kid.  I remember being profoundly disappointed when I found out I was having a boy.  I mean, my gals are seriously the most beautiful things you've ever seen, and they're simply delightful except when they're not.  Plus, I had lots of leftover girl clothes.  Then Titus came forth into the world, nearly 4 years ago, and it took one look for me to realize that no woman will ever be good enough for him.  The kid's got charisma and an overwhelming desire to destroy everything.  He's also really good at the Wii, and Mario reduces him to tears on an almost daily basis.  

We also have 2 dogs that have odd and disgusting habits, and we have a cat who hates just about everyone except me.  She's my favorite.  No, like my favorite.  I'm a cat nut.  I can't draw them, but I adore them.  

There you have it.  On the most upper part of the surface, that's Who It Is.  

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